Nothing quite feels like a Model 1892. Smooth as butter. When Mr. John Browning created this rifle for Winchester, one must wonder if anyone suspected that it would become the consummate ranch rifle, protecting livestock and providing meals on the range. And did anyone know that over a century and a quarter later it would be the most appreciated Cowboy Action Shooting rifle ever? This particular rifle is still that same 1892 at its core. What is different is the premium hardware and superior fit and finish found on the deluxe model. That includes premium hardware like a Grade V/IV walnut stock, Marble Arms gold bead front sight, and drilled and tapped receiver for a peep sight (sold separately) and superb fit and finish like the color case hardened receiver, steel butt plate, and polished blue steel barrel.
- Full octagon barrel
- Receiver, lever, forearm cap and butt plate are color case hardened
- Drilled and tapped receiver
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